Create Position

V2 Farm

Step 1. Go to 'Farm' tab.

Step 2. Select your desired farming pool and click on 'Farm' button.

Step 3. Enter the amount to supply.

You can provide any combination of the two assets within the token pair. Our smart contract automatically swaps the asset you have provided to an equal value distribution when supplying the farming pool of integrated DEX.

Step 4. Click 'Continue' and select borrowing asset and target leverage.

Summary of your leveraged farming position is displayed on the right side of the modal.

Step 5. Click on 'Confirm' button and wait for the transaction to proceed.

Once the transaction has succeed, you'll find your created farming position in the 'Portfolio' tab.

V3 Farm

Investing in the V3 farming pool is not significantly different from investing in V2 farming pools. One key difference is that in the V3 farm, you need to set the price range for providing liquidity. Additionally, unlike the V2 farm, where liquidity is supplied in a 50:50 ratio, in the V3 farming pools the token supply ratio varies based on the price range you've set. However, in VivaLeva, the platform automatically swaps the quantity supplied by the user to the optimal ratio and provides it to the integrated Dex's farming pool. Follow the steps below or refer to our guide video.

Step 2. Select the price range to provide liquidity.

  • Please note that you will gain trading fee only when the current price in in the selected range. When you select 'Custom' option, you could manually set the minimum and maximum price tick for your price range. APR for your selected price range is displayed on Total APY/APR section on the right. (Assuming leverage 1.0x)

  • Usually when the selected price range does not include the current price tick, only single - asset deposit is available. Since VivaLeva provides optimal swap process for users, users could provide both assets for 'out of range' positions when investing in VivaLeva V3 farming pools.

Step 3. Enter the amount to supply and select target leverage.

Process after selecting price range is similar to V2 farming pools. Follow instructions (V2 Farm Step 3 - Step 4) above.

Step 4. Click on 'Confirm' button and wait for the transaction to proceed.

Once the transaction has succeed, you'll find your created farming position in the 'Portfolio' tab. Select 'V3 Farm' for the filtering option.

Last updated